16 x Canadian Solar 320W KuPower Black Panels (NEW!)**
5kW Fronius Inverter - model Primo 5.0-1**
NO 2.
System Size 5.28Kw $5995
After Vic Rebate $3770
Panels 16 x Jinko Cheetah PERC 330W 12 year Warranty
Inverter Fronius Primo 5 5x5 Warranty
NO 3.
System Size 4.2Kw $5460
After Vic rebate $3235
Same installer as NO 2 but smaller size
13 Jinko Cheetah PERC 330W Panels
Inverter Fronius Primo 4.2 5x5 Warranty
My comments would be that all panels and inverters offered are good and should be considered. Prices are wee bit high and so maybe some negotiation there.
I would also ask them to put some panels on the eastern roof and check the savings versus additional costs. This is to maximise usage. You want to go for the biggest system now and not have to add panels later. It is amazing the number of people who have contacted us asking us to increase the number of panels. With a 5kW inverter you should be aiming as close as possible to a 6.6kW system.
The rule of thumb would be that the more panels you put the larger your STC rebate so you pretty much get the panels for free (depending on the panel) and the inverter is already paid for so the only additional cost is the rails and installation.
Will leave it to the other experts for their comments.
Looks like a good roof for solar. 1 person household, you wouldn’t use a lot of power presumably, but that means you can hopefully export some and help your neighbours use clean solar power (and make some dollars yourself).
I think Ivan makes a good point about maxing out the inverter, although it might be tricky with the way the roof is shaped, in which case I wouldn’t worry too much.
As we always say, make sure that you do your research on the installers you choose, that’s the most important thing. I’d be happy to pay a little more than average if the installers got great reviews, and you were comfortable with them.
Grateful for any advice on my quotes: 80% of time single person household. Roof NW facing.
Melton Vic. I am reposting as had an updated offer on previous posting altho I had a prompt answer from one person Ivan which I thank you for.
NO 1.
System Size - 5.12kW Elite System -
After Vic rebate Total Price $4,100 inc gst out of pocket***
16 x Canadian Solar 320W KuPower Black Panels (NEW!)**
5kW Fronius Inverter - model Primo 5.0-1**
NO 2.
System Size 5.28Kw $5995
After Vic Rebate $3770
Panels 16 x Jinko Cheetah PERC 330W 12 year Warranty
Inverter Fronius Primo 5 5x5 Warranty
NO 3.
System Size 4.2Kw $5460
After Vic rebate $3235
Same installer as NO 2 but smaller size
13 Jinko Cheetah PERC 330W Panels
Inverter Fronius Primo 4.2 5x5 Warranty
On nos 2 & 3 same installer, and I’ve been offered Q.PEAK-G4.1 290-310 - Q-Cells at
$1000 extra per quote? I’m not sure why same for each as less panels on 4Kw. 13 as opposed to 16.
The reason the price for the upgraded panels would be the same despite there being a different quantity is for a similar reason that Ivan alluded to initially: the more panels you put on your roof, the more rebates you get. So adding more panels can largely come at no extra cost out of pocket.
Are the Qcells worth the extra $1k? I find that difficult to evaluate to be honest. They are probably a better panel, but putting a price on the difference is difficult. Largely comes down to a personal preference I think, do you prefer to pay more for higher quality, or generally go for value for money with a small risk of the product not lasting as long or performing as well?
You can see our Best Solar Panels article for more details on both brands: