Need advice between LG VS LONGi

LG NeON® 2 Solar Panels
4.55 kW of Solar Power
13 x LG350N1C-V5
LG NeON® 2 350 Watt panels
25 Year Warranty Parts & Labour
Up to 20.1% Module effciency
6,165 kWh per year

SolarEdge Technologies Ltd.
4.985 kW Total Inverter Rating
1 x SE5000H-AU

Clenergy ‘PV-ezRack’ Mounting System
10 year manufacturer’s warranty

10 Year Workmanship Guarantee
Includes exclusive 5 year ‘Whole of System’ warranty

$10,542 (including GST)

(OUT OF POCKET : $4,701)


LONGi Solar
4.55 kW Total Solar Power’
13 x 350 Watt Panels (350W ‘Hi-MO X’ Mono PERC (Black))
6,165 kWh per year

SolarEdge Technologies Ltd.
4.985 kW Total Inverter Rating
1 x SE5000H-AU

Clenergy ‘PV-ezRack’ Mounting System
10 year manufacturer’s warranty

10 Year Workmanship Guarantee
Includes exclusive 5 year ‘Whole of System’ warranty

$9,057 (including GST)

(OUT OF POCKET : $3,216)

Installer are from other state (NSW) - I’m in VIC

Thanks Everyone

Hi Imonkime,
If you can afford the Lg go with that quote, Longi make a decent panel but there’s no support in Australia. This means if you have a warranty claim your dealing with China if your Installer disappears.
I’m not a big fan of SE either maybe look at Fronius unless you need full optimization. If full optimization is required I’d recommend Enphase Micros, If partial optimization required Fronius Tigo combination is pretty bullet proof.

Kind regards
Den Thomson
Down South Solar Power

I thought Longi last year established an Australian office for support.

Here is their local contact details.

A phone number on the 8th floor is hardly a decent presence in Australia.

CORRECTIONS you wrote “6.165 kWh per year”
shold be 6.165 Per day

A very interesting quote
in both quotes the panels watts is 350 Watts and 13 panels
so this give you 69 STC assuming that you are in Zone 3 (1.382)
pls advise your postcode to get the exact STC
In Victoria you may be in zone 2 ( near the very North ) or zone 4 ( Melborne area )
BUT from the both quotes the different between Full price and out of pocket is $5841
at BEST the Discount due to STC is $36 x 69 STC equal $2484 ( assuming ZONE 3 )
NOW from where is the $5841 come from ??
$5841 minus $2484 is $3357 , I am NOT in Vic . so I do not know the Vic State Gov discount
But what I heard is this is something that you must apply to qualify no guarantee, and you need to claim after the installation, So is this the true case ? you know better. Best practice is only to quote the normal Federal STC rebate that is ok and mentioning the state bonus separately if you can get it approved ( a state Lottery )
Regards Esmail Attia