Combining Hydro and PV with SolarEdge - Adding more solar

I have a small (7kW) hydro generating in AC. It is linked, via a SolarEdge interface and inverter to a LG Chem battery (7kWh), which is AC coupled. I am now looking to instal PV and can add 6kWp generation. I also want to put in an additional/new battery and I would like to ensure that this second battery can be charged by both the PV and the hydro (more effective in winter). I would like some advice on the best way to settle system up- or any other advice you might have!!

Hi Mike, if you need to add both more solar and battery storage the easiest way would be to simply add another hybrid system. This would essentially work independently (in parallel) with your current system.
Each hybrid system would use a CT clamp meter to measure the energy consumption and generation to determine when to charge or discharge a battery.

Of course, if you are happy with the SolarEdge system, then you might be able to extend it by adding another SolarEdge inverter and increasing the battery capacity.


Many thanks. Extending the SolarEdge system and adding another hybrid system are, essentially, the same thing, are they not? Different hardware of course. I think the real question is whether to go to the additional expense of just getting a new AC Coupled system with larger storage and letting the PV and hydro charge the same battery(ies).



Michael Riddell-Webster

Home: 01828 626 113
Mobile: 07403 237 200

@Mike, a new hybrid system will essentially be AC-coupled? You cannot DC-couple additional solar to the existing SolarEdge system using a charge controller.

Also, I just remembered the high-voltage LG chem RESU battery cannot be coupled with another LG battery, so you really have no choice but to add another hybrid system.


Many thanks and that makes sense.



Michael Riddell-Webster