Got quotes (before 30% rebate)
- 6.4 kW Q Cells Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10.a+ 400 Solar Panels $19,262
- 5.76kW Solar Edge 350W $14688
Any other best quality and deal appreciated
Got quotes (before 30% rebate)
Any other best quality and deal appreciated
Who were the companies providing quotes? I hope for this price they also included full system and consumption monitoring.
What inverter was offered with the Q cells system? Be interesting to see the design proposals (rooftop layout)
Betterearth SolarEdge
EnergyPal QCells
Qcell - EnerygyPal
Panel: Q Cells Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10.a+ 400
Originally a European technology company, now manufacturing in Georgia USA Q Peak Duo G10+ are high wattage panels with a sleek all-black aesthetic Incredible pricing and quality from the global no. 1 solar cell producer
Inverter: Enphase IQ8+ Microinverter
Microinverter provides solar panel-level AC conversion, great for partial shading Enphase first commercialized microinverters 2006, remains the leader today
SOlrEdge - BetterEarth