Solar quote Gardiner, Montana 365 vs 395

Hi, is there a way I can attach an HTML file? My quote came in that way. Here are the basics:
(Updated) REC Alpha 355 W Panels


(Updated) LG NeON R 395 W Panels


Hi there @cjane406

Probably easiest to attach a screenshot, or copy and paste the details. We’d want to know how many panels, and the inverter quoted as a minimum.

You can also use our Solar Calculator to gauge adequacy of the system for your needs.


Thanks Marty,
I’m just old enough to be somewhat tech savvy, but seem to always forget about screen shots!

Missy @ cjane406

Hi, here is a screen shot of the comparison chart from the solar company…thanks for any thoughts!

And the inverter Jane? Is it Enphase do you know?

I think the REC Alpha is a great panel. You aren’t getting much more wattage from the Neon R but the price is substantially more, so in my mind the REC option looks to be a better deal.


I agree with Marty, the price difference is very substantial so the REC option is looking much more cost-effective. REC Alpha panels are also very good and very close to the LG Neon R panels in regards to performance and reliability.

yes, the inverters are Enphase…what are your thoughts? We had to ask them for Enphase, it wasn’t standard.
Thanks so much for the feedback

thank you for your thoughts!! I really appreciate the input as this is a steep learning curve!

Enphase is :ok_hand: