Can you please review the following quote:-
13 Trina - 330W Honey Mono M Half cell 9BB panels
SMA - Sunny Boy 4.0 1Vi - 4.0 Inverter
Red Dot Racking with Tilt
Price $6584.50
Thank you
Ron Scharff
February 5, 2020, 10:08pm
It looks ok Ron. SMA and Trina are solid brands. Might be worth getting a couple more to compare it with.
We have a quote for the following 4.725kW System, southeast suburbs, Melbourne
15 Seraphim Blade 315W panels
Sungrow 5kW inverter
Installed on flat roof, 2 storey with good access.
Price $6200 before state government rebate and loans.
After a site inspection it has been determined that it is impossible to run DC cable to switchboard area and there is no suitable location for external inverter. Micro inverters are the only option and the developer of building has already installed AC cabling…