Hi, I’m looking into solar for my brother and we’ve narrowed our panel choice down to either REC 315w Twin PEAK split cell or Q Cell 325 Duo split Cell.
REC appears to offer better warranties however the company tells us the QCell panels perform better and they sell more of these than REC.
Any insight on what would be the better choice would be greatly appreciated.
The system quotes are:
8.19 kw REC and Fronius 8.2-1 with smart monitor $8,190
8.45 kw QCell and Fronius 8.2-1 with smart monitor $8,310
Thanks for any feedback
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Hi @west
Update 2020-06-07T00:00:00Z
I think it’s really hard to split those two. You’ve narrowed it down to some really good quality panels that are good value. When it comes to splitting REC and Q CELLS more generally, it does come down to the model of panels that you are choosing from. See our articles below for more details about the models and tech that they are using.
See our extensive review on REC:
And a post on Q CELLS:
You can see more info on both of them here (notice they are both very highly ranked):
I probably have a slight preference for REC, but to be honest I don’t think I have solid reasons for that, just an accumulation of really good feedback on REC over time. We also get good feedback on QCells, so you should be safe with either.
Quick video of the new REC Alpha series.