Hi Guys,
My off-grid system has been running well for the past 2 months so I am now looking into protecting it from lightning induced surges.
The 25 rooftop panels are configured into 3 strings (8-8-9 panel) with each string mounted on 3 parallel line-ups of aluminum rails. All of the mounting clamps are also aluminum.
I have a question on how to properly ground the panels and would appreciate your expert opinion:
I read that the anodized frames of solar panels and mounting rails have an oxide layer that is not electrically conductive. For this reason a number of solar websites recommend the use of WEEB type grounding jumpers and lugs to electrically bond the Al solar frames to the Al rails and ultimately to a grounding rod…
However, during my research I came across a Youtube video (Solar Panel Aluminum Frame Conductivity / Grounding Issue - YouTube) which suggests that this oxide layer can be ‘breached’ by voltages > 1Kv. Since each panel is fastened by multiple Al clamps to the rails and all the rails are interconnected with a grounding cable/wire and lightning induced voltages are thousands (or more) of volts, then does it make sense to spend money on WEEB grounding accessories? Your expert opinion would be greatly appreciated.