Plug&Play Solar Home Systems

Compare existing Plug&Play Solar Home Systems and do the math about the ROI of them. Let’s take a look at the simplicity of installation and maintenance, the performance, the total costs and how long does it take to reach the return on investment - how much electricity consumption is needed per month that the investment makes sense.
Let’s talk about all the Plug&Play Solar Home Systems for apartments and houses.

For example - With SOLMATE everyone will be able to produce their own electricity in the future.
Just set up on the balcony, plug in a power outlet and the
Furnish the flat with its own renewable electricity.

Hi @ruppdi

Thanks for the advertorial :wink:

Interesting product though. What is the output of these panels? How much per kW does it cost? Are these actually availably for retail yet in any country?

Hi Marty, thanks for your kind message. I learned from my analysis of the solar that it is essential to have all elements fitting perfectly together in order to create an efficient and perfect performing system. EET Energy has not only resolved the individual components, but they have also created the controlling unit with the correct sensor software. It is the first complete Plug&Play Solar System which is providing all needed information and electricity distribution optimiser of its kind.
You know: A true master makes complicated things look very easy. That is what EET Energy in Austria has achieved. I see in exactly this type of Solar Engineering the greatest chance for every one of us - Simple Plug&Play Systems with excellent software logic for a great price.
I am searching for this kind of solutions worldwide. So far, EET Energy is the only company I have come across. But I will love to get any kind of input and more information about that from anyone who knows more.

If it is ok for, I will attach here the setup diagram and some further information about the solar panel and about the Solmate unite itself.
About the calculation: EET delivers up to 50% of your electricity consumption. According to my calculation for my wife and me living in a renting apartment, a unit like the LIGHTMATE B would cover up to 40% of our electricity consumption and the ROI will be reached latest in 3.5 years.

I would be very much interested in your opinion about EET Energy and their products.

The company is up and running and their products can be directly ordered via their online shop system. If I can be of any help, just let me know.

Talk to you soon,

Here are some further details about the products:

LightMate B
3 photovoltaic panels (69 × 105 cm) each with 105 Wpeak
Inverter for connection to your power outlet
Industrial Velcro strips for mounting on balcony railing or similar
Cable with a length of 5 m
operation manual

LightMate G Black
Photovoltaic panel (170 × 99 cm) with 300 Wpeak
Inverter for connection to your power outlet
Metal strap to set up in your garden
Cable with a length of 5 m
All necessary screws and the operating instructions

SolMate G
Two photovoltaic panels (170 × 99 cm) each with 275 Wpeak
Storage and control unit with two built-in inverters
Metal strap to set up in your garden
Cable between panels and memory with a length of 5 m
Power cable between memory and socket with a length of 2 m
All necessary adapter plugs and screws as well as the operating instructions

The first PLUG-IN photovoltaic and storage system for self-installation. The SolMate® Naked contains only the storage unit and is delivered in this configuration without photovoltaic panels. This makes it suitable for upgrading existing photovoltaic modules.

SolMate® is the state-of-the-art photovoltaic and storage system on the market and can be installed by any solar pioneer himself - without any construction site and bureaucracy. The own, already existing panels (not included) are connected via a cable to the memory and this is plugged into a standard power outlet. The self-generated electricity flows through the storage unit into the socket and is thus available throughout the apartment. Unused power will be kept by smart memory for later. Thus, the sun can also be used well during the day, when nobody is at home.

This system is perfect for upgrading existing mini photovoltaic systems.

Included in the package:

Storage and control unit with two built-in inverters
Cable between panels and memory with a length of 5 m
Power cable between memory and socket with a length of 2 m
All necessary adapter plugs and accessories as well as the operating instructions