Growatt 8kw grid tie inverter stays on standby?

I have a Growatt 8kw split phase (US type) grid tie inverter that has been working perfect for a few years now with only problems being the isolation of the solar panel wiring, that’s been fixed. Yesterday it stayed on standby when it should have switched on. Also the history shows no problems and plenty of output through the day before the problem started, all of the data except the power history no longer shows on the Growatt server and the inverter shows no errors or faults. I’ve tried switching off all the solar strings and also the utility leaving it off for an hour, a few times, but it still won’t start. The solar has plenty of power and the utility is within the voltage and Hz settings. Any suggestions? thedog

You might get some good ideas on other fora. Googling on “Growatt standby” aimed me at Growatt inverter dead ? | DIY Solar Power Forum. Other than such self-help I think you’ll end up opening up a service ticket at Growatt. Happy hunting!

Thanks… It’s strange. It will turn on but much later in the day than before. The day I posted this was raining, when it’s like that it usually comes on by 8AM, on sunny days it comes on about 6AM and makes almost full power by 9, now it’s coming on at about 8 and making full power at about 9 on sunny days…
I guess I’ll have to get the local Witchdoctor to remove the bad spirits… :grin: thedog

Yeah any competent witchdoctor would know how to reset the unit to factory settings and then reconfigure appropriately for your installation; and if that doesn’t work, to try a firmware update before doing any brain surgery (although consumer-grade inverters are usually converted directly into e-waste without any major repairs along the way to their end-of-life grave).

But… just in case it’ll be a spendy repair, you might want to start looking for your warranty documentation… and if you haven’t done so already, maybe try for a 10-year warranty at

Good luck!

The issue might actually be in the panels or strings. There could be a faulty connection, burnt MC4 plug, blown fuse or diodes?

Have you checked the string Voc and done a short circuit current test? :thinking:

Hi, In the past I’ve had a lot of ISO faults with this. It doesn’t show any faults anymore and testing them doesn’t show more than 10v leakage. All the strings show about the same voltage and amperage. This is the best I’ve been able to get on this system even after changing all the connectors and insulating all the wires from the metal parts of the mounts and panels. It’s odd the way this is, maybe there’s something I don’t see throwing some shade that wasn’t there before. thedog

Unfortunately, it sounds a lot like the inverter is faulty. Growatt doesn’t have a great reputation for reliability. If you could use another inverter to test it, then you would know if the problem is coming from the inverter.