Hi Den,
Really appreciate your time replying as I’m sure others will also. Been flat out the last week. I haven’t decided on a solar system as yet, but I may very well take your advice and match up the LG NeON R 370W panel and the 295W IQ7+ micro.
Regarding advice on compatibility with the 104 cell Maxeon 2 360W module and the 320W IQ7X. This is the conversation between Sunpower and Enphase, please see copied email below -
Hi Chris,
Good day.
We are glad to advise that the SPR-MAX2-360 is compatible with Enphase IQ7X .
Please see below email response from Enphase.
Thank you and regards,
Technical Support Engineer – Operations and Customer Care
Global Business and Finance Services | office 1.800.SUNPOWER |
Subject: Re: SPR-MAX2-360 Compatibility with Enphase MIs
Hi Sheryl,
This is an interesting example as the Cell count exceeds 96.
Good news however, these Modules are COMPATIBLE WITH IQ7X: SPR-MAX2-360, SPR-MAX2-350,SPR-MAX2-340,
Enphase Energy | Senior Product Trainer / Field Applications Engineering
Sheryl also asked Duncan from Enphase about the compatibility of the IQ7X with the Maxeon 3 range and her reply is below -
I checked with Enphase and confirmed that the MAX3 Series in most situations are NOT compatible. Ambient Low temperature presents the issue of the module VOC exceeding the microinverter input limit of 80VDC.
I also got a reply yesterday from Endeavour regarding system sizing on our single phase, please see the reply below from the Applications Assessment Officer in Network Connections - made me feel a lot more at ease.
———————-START ——————————
Sorry about the delay is response to your email.
You can install any size unit you wish at your property. Of course it comes down to what you don’t use, you lose.
Without getting too technical, generally we allow an export ( the amount of electricity you pump back into our network) of up to 5 kilowatts to our network, unless the installer can provide calculations to us that the voltage rise throughout the system will be less than 3%. This means we need voltage rise calculations for the service mains ( the wires from our pole to your house), your consumer mains (the wires from where the service mains join to your house down to your switchboard), and the circuit wiring from your switchboard to the solar unit. There are programs on the internet that will carry out the calculations for the installer when they enter the values such as cable sizes and cable lengths.
We check the calculations and if we agree with them we won’t limit the export. Other wise it’s limited to 5KW export, and the Permission to Connect letter we issue will stress this amount.
If you install too larger system, and you don’t use the power produced by it then you lose it.
The old days of 60C per KWH export are gone. We do pay you for the power you export to our network, but the savings you make are using the power your unit generates yourself.
Give me a call if you would like further discussion
Definitely makes sense! Thanks again Den for your replies. Whilst I’m definitely beginner level, I’m understanding what you’re saying and definitely got my mind thinking some more.
Appreciate the recommendation of the NeON R 370 and the 295W IQ7+…the pair also get the big tick of approval on the Enphase calculator:+1:
I’ll let everyone know how the install goes. Cheers