Using Ultility Bill to Estimate Solar Power Usage

Welcome back @chewface! Firstly I want to suggest that you and @Ronny_Mauldin might want to share notes. Looks like you’re both trying to work out how to get some reliable electricity in the Philippines.

I’m no off grid expert, so hopefully someone can jump in on this one, but my understanding is that for an off grid system using your current electricity usage is not a great way to size an off grid system. Why? Because no. 1 thing you want to do when going off grid is to reduce as much electricity usage as possible. But probably more importantly, it’s not just your daily energy usage that you want to consider, it’s your peak power consumption that will help dictate the battery and inverters that you need.

Like I said to Ronny, I think you’d do very well to have an off grid solar designer in Australia design the system for you, money well spent I think.
