Understanding the design options of a solar system

OK I have been interested in solar / alternative energies forever my topic is design.

Have 2 residences ( 1 is the granny flat my daughter and partner live in) the granny flat is heavily shaded, more on shading later perhaps. The primary residence the rest of the family lives in, the 2 residences have separate energy bills. I want to generate the power on the roof of the primary residence and supply service to both households. IMHO this should be possible, however I get a lot of feedabck saying this is not possible what are the thoughts of the forum members ? Has this already been done and who best to contact to achieve a solution. … TIA

Since the two residences have separate electricity Bills, then each residence will have its own meter for billing (they are not linked). The only way you could get around this is to disconnect one of the grid supplies and link the two buildings using underground cable. Although, this could be quite expensive.

Another way that might be possible in the future is to use an energy sharing app to “sell” excess solar power to another property, but this type of system is only still a theory and is currently only possible in micro-grids or groups of homes in a compound such as those in a retirement village.

Svarky, thanks for that. I have an underground cable going from the Granny Flat (GF) meter which is next to Primary Residence (PR) meter located on the sidewall of PR. So in theory the GF could be an off-grid residence using battery power. The battery being maintained by a hybrid grid connection whereby the PR photovoltaic and battery are the “grid” to the GF. Just need a supplier that can do that :wink:

Several of my customers have done this. You will need to contact a level 2 electrician who can quote you to remove the GF meter and combine both supplies. If you want to keep track of the energy consumption to the GF, ask the solar guys to install an energy meter on the submain to the GF.

The upfront cost will benefit you in the long term, as it will be more cost-effective than having 2 solar inverters and paying for 2 daily supply charges.