Interesting… Were all the panels the same age and installed at the same time? Also is there any shading and are they all at the same orientation?
If you could post photos of the array it would be great
Interesting… Were all the panels the same age and installed at the same time? Also is there any shading and are they all at the same orientation?
If you could post photos of the array it would be great
Yes, all panels are installed on one roof next to each other without shadows. On-line
anyone can afford such a comparison for $ 100 alone
My test Znshine VS Longi
@Krzysztof_Kenyrod, do you work for ZN Shine solar?
assembles all panels, Longi, Qcells, Seraphim, Znshine, Canadian
Here is the latest Solar Panel Warranty comparison chart - As of Oct 2019
The yellow line indicates the minimum power rating after 25 years of use as specified under the various manufacturers performance warranty documents.
Jinko breaks the world record with a 580w solar panel. Impressive!
You can make a huge module, the question is why? The CEO of the PVEL laboratory says not to promote the large size of silicon and modules. Large size is more likely to fail.
I agree, it’s a bit of a gimmick.
I’m looking to replace, my 5kW system as I replace our roof. As an enduser I’m amazed at the confusion the industry spreads. That panel is better than this panel, this inverter is very noisey, this one is very poor quality, etc. Or how much are you paying for electricity, my install will save you $X. It’s all based on quick dollars and their wholesaler stock levels.
I’ve been quoted for a 3 phase 10kW inverter 13.21 kW of panels installed, $6800.00 to $19,000.00. I’ve drawn up a schematic as I have 18kW of slab heating in winter to power, to ensure consistent understanding.
One guy looked at the diagram put it aside and proceeded to scribble numbers up and down his notebook. Eventually I stopped him, ‘how much for this many panels with MicroInverters’. ‘Oh those MicroInverters not the best with those panels, You will still need an inverter!’!
From what I have gleaned there is no substantial difference in panels, they either work to spec or not. 10 years is as good as 25 when it comes to consumer law.
I can make up my mind on what is value for money if the information is available. What is missing is a webpage with each panel tech specs and compatible inverters with their tech specs with kW nominal production. Compare and contrast for the consumer, I’d like to see that! Then I can ask for a quote on a specific configuration.
According to a study conducted by the NREL or National Renewable Energy Laboratory in 2012, the output of solar panels decreases by 0.8% on average every year. Solar panel degradation rate is the term used for these panels’ declining rates. Keep in mind that not all solar panels have the same degradation rate.
The rate depends on the brand you plan to purchase. If you opt for the premium kind, you can purchase solar panels from SunPower. Their solar panels only have a 0.3 degradation rate.
In recent years, the degradation rates of these panels continuously improve. It can be attributed to the development of solar panel technology. You won’t likely find solar panels with more than 1% degradation rate.